Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Irish Map and Authors, 1800 and 1900

Map of Ireland in the 1900's
Unemployment was high in Ireland during the early 1900's, and worker's pay and the conditions were often very bad.

Important dates:
January 16, 1900 - Three lion cubs that were raised by an Irish red setter went on view at the Dublin Zoo
1901 - The Irish census shows the population of Ireland to be 4,459,000.
National Antarctic Expedition
1903 - St. Patrick's day becomes a national holiday in Ireland.
1907 - Irish-born Ernest Shackleton leads an Antarctic expedition.
1909 - Ireland 's first cinema, the Volta Cinema, opens in Dublin.
1910 - The Unionist Party is formed with the aim of maintaining the Act of Union.

Map of Ireland in the 1800's

One of the major things that was going on in Ireland during the 1800's was the Act of Union between Ireland and Great Britain, which can be found here. The full text is rather long so I didn't read much of it, but it is a bit interesting.
English landlords who were in Ireland realized that they could earn more from their land by turning it into grazing land instead of having rent from their Irish tenant farmers. In order for this to happen, they had to evict their tenants. Thousands of farmers and their families were simply thrown out onto the streets and their homes destroyed.

George Ellis - Poetry (1753-1815)
William Drennan - Physician, poet, educationalist and political radical (1754-1820)
Gerald Griffin - Fictional Novelist (1803 - 1840)

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