Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Honors blog, book three

The third book I've chosen for honors is The Course of Irish History by T.W Moody and F.X Martin.

This book starts off at the very beginning, literally. It goes all the way from pre-written history and when the Irish were all Pagans, to when Christianity started coming in during the 500-900's. Also, when Latin was first introduced to Ireland and then a few hundred years later when it started to integrate itself with the Irish/Celtic language until it was a mix of both.
Currently I have just reached the area of the book where it talks about the 1100's and the viking raids that were going on then. It's very interesting to read about how the Irish were mostly known for being monks during those times, and they would live close to the coast in their monasteries.
The vikings first came in 902 I think it was, and they took anything that looked like something of value(as something notable and well known, The Book of Kells was taken at this time and did not return to Ireland for quite some time), grabbed a few last minute slaves, and hauled back out of there. The next year the same thing happened. And again the next year. And the next...Personally I dodn't really get why the Irish wouldn't just pack things up and move a little more inland, but hey, I guess they had to live by the coast for food? But that doesn't entirely make sense either, because it talks about how early Ireland was fertile and blossoming with wildlife. Along with that, it was attached to Europe by a narrow strip of land, so the wildlife would travel back and forth along there as well.

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